Avoid back to school scams: A guide for parents, students, and educators

August 28th · 6 min read

Rotem Tal - Senior Cybersecurity Expert |Writer & Editor|
Rotem Tal - Senior Cybersecurity Expert |Writer & Editor|

School’s back, but so are scammers: back-to-school scams

Ah, the start of a new school year—there’s nothing quite like the smell of freshly sharpened pencils, the feel of crisp notebooks (or tablets), and the promise of new beginnings. It’s like stepping into a new chapter, full of excitement and just a touch of nervousness. But as the excitement sets in, the back-to-school rush can also attract something far more troubling: online scammers. As everyone gears up for the academic year, so are scammers, looking to turn your excitement into their payday.

In this article, we'll explore how back-to-school scams operate and show you howimplementing strong cybersecurity measures like Guardio, can guarantee a secure and scam-free start to the school year. OK, recess is over—let's get into it!

School’s back, but scammers are too!

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Back to school on chalk board

School is expensive enough—now scammers want a cut too

As the school year approaches, families are caught up in the frenzy of preparation. From stocking up on school supplies and the latest tech to enrolling in extracurricular activities, the costs can quickly pile up. But just when you think you’ve covered everything, scammers are out there, waiting to exploit this busy season and take a slice of your hard-earned cash. These scams are as sneaky as that one kid who always manages to skip the lunch line.

Back-to-school scams are increasingly targeting students, parents, and educators alike. And it’s not just elementary, middle , and high school that are at risk—college students, especially freshmen, are prime targets too. Heading off to college is a life-changing event, full of excitement and, let’s be honest, a bit of naivety. A lot of these students are dealing with new responsibilities, like signing their first rent agreement or buying textbooks on their own. And right when they’re feeling the pressure to get everything sorted, scammers swoop in.

It's the perfect storm: a mix of anxiousness, tight deadlines, and a lack of "life seasoning." For many young adults, everything feels new, and there's no reason for them to doubt the intentions of the people they're dealing with. Unfortunately, that’s exactly what scammers are counting on. But how exactly do these scams work, and what types of scams are out there? Glad you asked—we’re just about to get into it!

Back-to-school scams you should look out for

For scammers, back-to-school season is like the perfect opportunity to play the bully, eager to snatch your lunch money.

Here’s a rundown of the sneaky back-to-school scams to watch out for:

Textbook scams: Textbooks are already pricey, so it’s especially frustrating to pay a high price only to be scammed by a fake deal—or worse, put your finances at risk. Scammers know you’re looking for bargains and create fake ads or websites offering deeply discounted textbooks that never actually arrive. It's like paying for a pizza and getting an empty box. How do you spot these scams? Stick to trusted retailers and double-check the website’s spelling and security before hitting "buy."

Scholarship scams: Everyone loves free money, but when someone guarantees you a scholarship without even applying, it’s a red flag the size of a graduation cap. Scammers dangle fake scholarships via, email, text or even social media platforms—to grab your personal info and bank details. How do you avoid college scholarship and grant scams? Remember, real scholarships require effort—if it’s too easy, it’s probably a scam. This is one of the most common school-related phishing scams targeting students.

Student job scams: "Work a few hours a week from your dorm and make bank!" Sounds great, right? Not when it’s a scam. These fake job offers reel you in with promises of high pay for minimal work, but they’re just fishing for your personal info—or worse, they’ll send you a fake check and ask for money back before it bounces. If a job sounds too cushy, it’s probably a setup. Always verify job offers and be skeptical of anything that seems—suspiciously perfect.

Student housing scams: Need off-campus housing? Beware of listings that seem too good to be true. Scammers post dreamy apartments with rock-bottom rents, but after you send the deposit, the listing—and your money—vanishes like last night’s leftovers. How do you avoid falling for these false offers? Always see the place in person and avoid anyone pushing you to pay immediately.

Phishing emails and text messages: Scammers love a good disguise, and during the back-to-school rush, they’ll pretend to be school officials, retailers, or financial aid offices. Their emails and texts might look legit, but they’re just trying to steal your info. Want to spot these scams? Verify the sender and never click on links from unknown sources.

Fake back-to-school sales and discounts: Who doesn’t love a good sale? Scammers, that’s who. They set up fake websites and ads offering unbelievably enticing deals, luring you in with promises of cheap school supplies and electronics. But once you pay, you’re left empty-handed. Stick to reputable sites, double-check before making payment, and ask yourself, "Is this deal too good to be true?" or is this a classic example of back-to-school shopping scams?

Fake tech support scams: New school year, new gadgets—which means new opportunities for tech support scammers. They’ll claim your device has a problem and offer to "fix" it, but really, they’re just after your money or personal info. If someone contacts you out of nowhere offering tech support, it’s probably time to hit "delete" instead of "accept."

It’s unfortunate that scammers are why we can't have fun—even during the most exciting times, they're out there to steal our money or, even worse, our identity. But hold up—there’s a way you can avoid these scams and stay safe online. You guessed it—Guardio .

Don’t let back-to-school scams pass the test

Guardio’s got your back for online safety!

College Students

Guardio: your family's digital bodyguard against online scams

Guardio doesn’t just block scammers—it takes them down before they even get close. Here’s how:

Blocks fake links and ads: Guardio stops scammers in their tracks by blocking fake links and ads that try to lure you into a trap.

Filters out phishing emails and texts: No more falling for school-related phishing scams. Guardio filters out the bad stuff, so only legit messages make it to your inbox.

Alerts you to data breaches: If your data ever gets breached, Guardio gives you a heads-up, so you can take the necassary steps like changing passwords, and usernames and avoid money loss or identity theft.

Stops fake websites and login pages: Guardio blocks those dodgy websites and fake login pages before you even have a chance to click on them.

Flags dangerous links: Guardio scans for dangerous links and keeps you from accidentally stumbling into scam territory.

One account, five members: Protect your whole crew with one Guardio account—up to five loved ones can stay safe online.

But that’s not all—Guardio goes beyond just blocking scams. With the help of Guardio Labs, a dedicated team of researchers and cybersecurity experts, Guardio is always on top of emerging threats. They dig deep into the latest scams, providing essential security tips. Whether it’s the latest back-to-school scams or new tactics in deep fake AI-related phishing scams, Guardio’s got you covered with real-time updates and strategies to protect your family online.

The bottom line

Back-to-school season should be about fresh starts, not fresh scams. Whether you're buying school supplies or navigating college life, scammers are lurking, but with Guardio, you can keep them away. So, sharpen those pencils, charge those tablets, and let Guardio handle the scammers while you focus on what really matters: a great school year. That’s what we call making the grade!

Because your security deserves an A+

Outsmart back-to-school scams with Guardio

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