Business Owner? Nearly half of cyber attacks target small businesses
Protect Your Business Now

Don’t assume you’re safe. Know you’re safe.

Powerful, easy-to-use online security against phishing and scams. Protect your browsing, email, social media, and SMS across all your devices effortlessly.
Guardio dashboard and woman looking at her cellphone

Smarter, safer protection for your digital world

Browsing protection

Browse and click safely anywhere

Fake sites that mimic trusted ones are more common than you might think. Guardio scans each page before you open it, ensuring you stay safe from scams and identity theft.
A Guardio user gets an alert about a dangerous website on his laptopA Guardio user gets an alert about a dangerous website on his laptop
Email and SMS security

Phishing-free messages

Phishing threats often hide in emails and texts. Guardio actively filters these out, making sure your messages are safe and free from malicious content, attachments, and links.
A Guardio user gets a Guardio alert about phishing messages on her laptopA Guardio user gets a Guardio alert about phishing messages on her laptop
Premium support

Get instant support

Dedicated support is just a click away. Our security experts respond within an hour and are available around the clock to assist with any issue, big or small.
A Guardio user receives instant support on her smartphone from the Guardio support teamA Guardio user receives instant support on her smartphone from the Guardio support team

No one is immune to cyber crime

Designed and built for real people

Man looking at his cellphone


Runs quietly in the background, automatically updates, and stays ahead of new threats. Perfect for you and your family.

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In the office, two women are looking at a computer screen


Protects businesses of any size with advanced security and admin tools, essential for today’s cyber world.

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Over 1.5M people stay safe online with Guardio

”Great service! Once I decided to buy it customer service has been perfect. I don't do anything except let Gaudio do its job.”


”What I love about this is that I don't have to do any footwork at all - Guardio does it all for me and keeps me from the pitfalls that I used to encounter.  Thank you Guardio!”

Hara Harding

”I have used computer protective services in the past, but Guardio goes way beyond any of the others.  Guardio has stopped harmful sites on numerous occasions, warning me that proceeding my be harmful.  I feel confident using the web again.”

Linda Koppes

”The most amazing thing is I don't have to worry anymore opening bad emails and keeping my laptop safe always”

Kathy Warner

”Everything works in a balanced manner. I feel safe using Guardio. Keep up the good work.”


”Non-intrusive, frictionless experience for the user. You only get shown what you need but have an option to dive deeper into the techy part if you wish by using their dashboard. Would recommend!”

Florin Faragau

We're here for you

24-hour, 7 days a week, human support
Emergency hotline with security experts
Response time is less than 1 hour
Screenshot of Guardio support team chat
Our Guardio Labs team specializes in identifying, monitoring, and mitigating new security threats across the web. Their pioneering work keeps Guardio ahead of cybercriminals, ready to predict and counter any attack.
Discover Guardio Labs' findings

Want to know more about cybersecurity?

Check out the Guardio blog, where you’ll find tips on staying safe, as well as the lowdown on the latest scams from across the web.

It couldn’t be easier to protect yourself online.

Browse, email, and text care-free with Guardio.

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