CVE - Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures

An online database of known attacks, exploits, and compromises operated by the MITRE organization for the benefit of the public. Often, breaches are documented long before an organization admits that they experienced a breach.

Apr 29, 2020

thanks for the pop up l didnt know that…

thanks for the pop up l didnt know that l was uncovered Nice to know that l am safe again

1 Reviews

Lola Lion Cachet


I like the reassurance I have that Guardio is checking up on things for me! They have prevented me from opening some links that were suspicious before I opened them! That was awesome! They also have removed some issues for me. Definitely worth the money!


Dorothy Carlisle


it works- I used to have stuff happen about twice a year- uardio warns me any time something looks fishy


John Robert Fleming
