Anonymizing proxy

these allow users to hide their browsing activity and are typically used to bypass security filters placed on a user by a network administrator (ex: accessing blocked sites from a work computer) or filters placed by the owner of a website (ex: accessing foreign websites intended for access only by those in the target country).

Jul 17, 2020

Guardio stops spam

Guardio stops spam, & unsafe sitwes from harming my software & my laptop from being messed up,I would recommend this program Guardio for everyone to safe guard their pc, laptop, etc..

1 Reviews

Linda Susan Morton


I love my Guardio! My Chromebook was damaged but as soon as l can get my laptop up and running, the first thing l plan on doing is downloading Guardio to keep it safe!


Mary Kate Schmahl

Apr 24, 2020

Have never given PC security much…

Have never given PC security much thought. Usually just download a free one! The last couple of years the free ones have annoyed me so much with their constant advertisements for themselves etc, that I removed them from my computer. It was great to discover Guardio, It has been a relief having it with so much going on in the world and so many nasty people scamming innocent people. It's great when I think I want to click on a site and a Guardio message come up saying they believe it is a dangerous site so I don't go there.

1 Reviews

Merle Hudson
