Zip Bomb

This malicious archive file, sometimes called a Zip of Death or Decompression Bomb, is a virus that expands dangerously when uncompressed. It requires large amounts of time, disk space and memory, which causes the affected computer to crash. It is designed to disable traditional antivirus software so that viruses unpacked reach the affected computer without being detected.

Apr 26, 2020

Click Bait

It's good to know that some of the click bait which gets my attention is connected to a sketchy web site. I need the re-affirmation that I have ignored my common sense

1 Reviews

Jim Capillo


it works- I used to have stuff happen about twice a year- uardio warns me any time something looks fishy


John Robert Fleming


I love my Guardio! My Chromebook was damaged but as soon as l can get my laptop up and running, the first thing l plan on doing is downloading Guardio to keep it safe!


Mary Kate Schmahl
