This malicious archive file, sometimes called a Zip of Death or Decompression Bomb, is a virus that expands dangerously when uncompressed. It requires large amounts of time, disk space and memory, which causes the affected computer to crash. It is designed to disable traditional antivirus software so that viruses unpacked reach the affected computer without being detected.
I have been so impressed with the…
I have been so impressed with the timely transition to a new device without any fuss. Your notifications are timely and, dare I say, fun to read. Nice that you have a thread of humor! Thanks.
Michelle Allen
Trustpilotit works- I used to have stuff happen about twice a year- uardio warns me any time something looks fishy
John Robert Fleming
FacebookI like the reassurance I have that Guardio is checking up on things for me! They have prevented me from opening some links that were suspicious before I opened them! That was awesome! They also have removed some issues for me. Definitely worth the money!
Dorothy Carlisle