Tech support scams are schemes where cyber criminals pose as technical support representatives or employees of reputable companies. They use various tactics, such as pop-up warnings or unsolicited phone calls, to deceive people into believing their computers have issues. The scammers then persuade them to provide remote access to their computers, enabling them to steal personal information, install malware, or extort money for fake repairs.
I like the reassurance I have that Guardio is checking up on things for me! They have prevented me from opening some links that were suspicious before I opened them! That was awesome! They also have removed some issues for me. Definitely worth the money!
Dorothy Carlisle
FacebookIt's worth every penny I pay. Guardio cleaned up problems that I put up with for years. And I love the fact that I can email and get a response almost immediately with a solution
Lawana Crosiar
FacebookBest site security I have found.
Steve Popz May