Reverse Engineering

Taking apart a software product to see how it was built and works in order to either duplicate it or enhance it. It can be used maliciously to duplicate the software product.

Jun 5, 2020

was having continuous ad popups

I was having continuous ad popups. Guardio took care of them all. I'm so pleased with this service! I'm also alerted about possible threats while surfing. I have every intention of continuing with Guardio.

1 Reviews

Tessa 782


I love my Guardio! My Chromebook was damaged but as soon as l can get my laptop up and running, the first thing l plan on doing is downloading Guardio to keep it safe!


Mary Kate Schmahl


It's worth every penny I pay. Guardio cleaned up problems that I put up with for years. And I love the fact that I can email and get a response almost immediately with a solution

Lawana Crosiar
