A malicious link refers to a web address or URL that is intentionally designed to harm or exploit users. Clicking on a malicious link can lead to various negative consequences, such as downloading malware, ransomware, or viruses onto your device, redirecting you to fraudulent websites that aim to steal personal information, or initiating unauthorized actions on your device without your knowledge or consent. It is important to exercise caution and avoid clicking on suspicious or unfamiliar links to protect your online security.
I have found this to be most helpful to…
I have found this to be most helpful to me, I would be lost without it.
kevin keates
Trustpilothave only had Guardio for a short…
I have only had Guardio for a short time. In that time I feel that it has protected me against Spyware & Malware~ I would recommend this service~
Deb Ryan
TrustpilotI love my Guardio! My Chromebook was damaged but as soon as l can get my laptop up and running, the first thing l plan on doing is downloading Guardio to keep it safe!
Mary Kate Schmahl