
The process of copying data from one computer system to another over the Internet. This can include any media type including photos, music, documents, programs, files, and more. Many viruses rely on downloads to spread from one device to another.

Jul 17, 2020

Guardio stops spam

Guardio stops spam, & unsafe sitwes from harming my software & my laptop from being messed up,I would recommend this program Guardio for everyone to safe guard their pc, laptop, etc..

1 Reviews

Linda Susan Morton

Jun 1, 2020

I have found this to be most helpful to…

I have found this to be most helpful to me, I would be lost without it.

3 Reviews

kevin keates


I like the reassurance I have that Guardio is checking up on things for me! They have prevented me from opening some links that were suspicious before I opened them! That was awesome! They also have removed some issues for me. Definitely worth the money!


Dorothy Carlisle
