The Importance of Security in Tech-Led Healthcare

May 25th · 2 min read

Guardio Research Team
Guardio Research Team

As technology increasingly invades every aspect of our lives, it's no surprise that healthcare is also feeling the effects of this digital revolution. From automated diagnostics to wellness wearables, tech-led healthcare is becoming the norm in many hospitals and doctor's offices worldwide.

While there are many benefits to this trend, some significant security risks must be considered.

This article will look at some of the most common risks associated with technology in healthcare and explore what can be done to mitigate them.

Security risks posed by technology in healthcare

Automated diagnostics: One of the most significant risks posed by automated diagnostics is the potential for errors. If a diagnostic tool is not correctly calibrated, it could provide inaccurate test results to incorrect diagnoses and inappropriate treatment.

Wellness wearables: Associated with the recent trend of wearable technology, wellness wearables are devices that track and collect data about a person's health. While this information can be helpful for both patients and doctors, it also poses a privacy risk as unauthorized individuals could access it.

VR medical training: One of the newest applications of technology in the healthcare industry is VR medical training. This technology has the potential to revolutionize the way medical students are trained, but it also comes with some security risks. If VR headsets are not adequately secured, hackers could gain access to the sensitive information used to train future doctors.

Improperly secured devices: A security risk posed by any healthcare technology is improperly secured devices. If devices such as computers, tablets, and smartphones are not secured correctly, it could lead to a data breach that would expose sensitive patient information.

Lack of security training: As new technologies are introduced into hospitals and doctor's offices, staff members must be appropriately trained to use them securely. Otherwise, they could inadvertently expose sensitive information or allow unauthorized access to hospital systems.

How to mitigate the risks

Several steps can be taken to mitigate the risks associated with technology in healthcare.

Here are some of the most important: Implement security protocols: The first step is to implement security protocols that will help to protect patient information. This can include measures such as encrypting data, setting up access controls, and establishing procedures for handling confidential information.

Train staff members: It's also essential to train staff members to use new technologies. This can help ensure that they are aware of the risks and know how to protect patient information.

Conduct risk assessments: Another critical step is to conduct regular risk assessments of new and existing technologies. This can help to identify potential vulnerabilities and take steps to mitigate them.

Choose secure products: When selecting new technologies for healthcare use, it's important to choose products that have been designed with security in mind. This includes considering encryption, access controls, and data management.

Stay up to date: It's also essential to stay updated on the latest security threats and vulnerabilities. This can help ensure that new risks are identified and addressed promptly.

Technology plays an increasingly important role in healthcare, and the associated risks must be managed appropriately. By implementing security protocols, training staff members, and choosing secure products, healthcare organizations can help protect patients and safeguard their confidential information.

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