Phishing Email Scams on the Rise
What about you? How exposed are you to scammers and online threats? I mean, you have a spam filter and antivirus software, you must be safe, right? Wrong! The classic “this will never happen to me” approach is familiar to all of us, no one wants to think that they’ll fall for scams, we’re just too smart to let that happen - aren’t we?
Last year - In the U.S. alone, there were over 300,500 phishing victims resulting in a total loss of $52 million.
The truth is that just by looking at the sheer numbers, you’re either bound to fall for one of these scams or at least experience an attempt to be lured into one. In this article, we’ll explore how online scams and cyberattacks end up in your inbox as phishing emails. As always, we'll provide valuable insights on leveraging phishing email protection like Guardio to ensure your always safe online. Let’s jump right in.

What are cyberattacks, online scams, and phishing emails?
What are phishing emails?
Example of phishing email
Image Source: PayPal Community
But wait, I have a spam filter, so phishing emails can’t infiltrate my inbox, or so you think. Unfortunately, one of the most frustrating parts about phishing emails is that they DO bypass spam filters and end up in our inbox, which makes them seem totally legit. So how do phishing emails bypass spam filters? I mean, we have self-driving cars, cloned sheep, and walked on the moon, surely we’d be able to stop phishing emails before they get into our inbox?!
Why do phishing emails skip your spam?
You've tried tweaking your spam filter and scanning every attachment, but no matter what you do, phishing emails always manage to slip through and end up in your inbox. Sound familiar?
Is it your fault? Nah, probably not.
The truth is that while Google and other email platforms provide amazing features, they just can't keep up with cyber criminals. And therefore, a small percentage of phishing emails will always find their way into your inbox. That's why we highly recomend using phishing email protection tools like Guardio, but more on that later...
Is that email spam or a phishing attack?
To avoid being flagged as spam, scammers employ some of these simple tactics:
Avoiding suspicious language, scam terminology, and phrases. For example, avoiding words like FREE and special reduces the likelihood of triggering spam filters and increases the chances of emails reaching your inbox. Yikes.
Limiting the use of capital letters and exclamation points. Excessive use of CAPS and !!!! can be perceived as aggressive or spammy behavior. GET THE PICTURE!!!!!!!?
Maintain a text-to-image ratio of 80:20. Meaning that an email with mostly text and limited images ensures that the message is more easily digested by email filters.
The use of trusted domains plays a crucial role in ensuring successful email delivery. Using well-established and reputable domains helps establish credibility, making them more likely to not be caught in spam filters.
Scammers use these guidelines and often take it up a notch by utilizing spoofing and obfuscation. If that sounded like gibberish, don't worry, we’ll explain.
Email spoofing - is when an attacker uses a fake email address with either the domain of a legitimate website or one very similar to it. Or in other words, scammers create domain names that closely resemble legit company's websites and then use them to create an email address.

Sadly, to the untrained eye, the email might look totally legit and may go under the radar. Add a sense of urgency, copycat branding, and a good story to the mix, and the phishing email might lure you into giving up your credentials and other personal information.
Email obfuscation - is another tool scammers use to disguise or obscure email content. Spam filters often rely on automated tools to scan emails for malware and dangerous attachments. Scammers know this, so they modify or encode an email in a way that is still recognizable by humans but less easily recognizable by automated tools like spam filters. This way, scammers can evade spam filters and infiltrate your inbox.
How do phishing emails work?
As we mentioned, phishing emails can be really tough to spot, especially if you don’t have an email scam protection tool. Here’s an example of how a phishing attack might look like in the real world.
Meet Liam, a tech-savvy college student who has been eagerly awaiting an email about a noise cancelling earphones that he recently ordered on Amazon. One morning, he opened his inbox to find an email from Amazon with the subject line: "Shipping Confirmation and Tracking Details."
He quickly opened the email, that informed him that there had been a problem with his recent order and that he needed to click on a provided link to confirm his shipping details. Without thinking twice, Liam clicked the link, which took him to a page that looked strikingly similar to Amazon's official website. He entered his login credentials and updated his shipping address, hoping to resolve the issue quickly.
A few hours later, Liam tried to log into his Amazon account to check on another order, only to find that his password no longer worked. Puzzled, he contacted their customer service and discovered that the email he received earlier was not from them. It was a phishing email, and the link he clicked on and entered his credentials into was a fake site set up by cybercriminals. By the time he realized his mistake, the scammers had already made dozens of unauthorized purchases using his account. Ouch!
Stop phihsing emails before they reach your inbox!
How can I protect myself from phishing emails?
Guardio's phishing email protection keeps you safe from malicious emails that get past your spam filter by:
Identifying senders with a bad reputation.
Scanning and protecting your inbox from phishing emails and new threats.
Alerting you if an email contains links that lead to dangerous sites.
Notifying you in real-time if malicious emails bypass your spam filter.
Recognizing emails that pose a risk to your personal information.
Guardio's phishing email protection helps eliminate the risk of falling victim to phishing attempts or accidentally engaging with malware.
See what our customers have to say
Thanks to Guardio
Thanks for Guardio I feel secure with email messages and looking up thing on the internet. Karen Sellers
Great App
It blocks the obvious scams, the less obvious scams, and the ones anybody could fall for. Its just a great app and if your one of the guys who falls for scams and malware very easily this is the protection for you. Michelle Marchand

How to spot phishing emails
Emails and text messages that contain phishing attempts are disguised to look like they’re from a company or person who you know and trust, such as a bank, credit card company, social networking website, or online account. A phishing scam usually begins with a story intended to trick you into clicking a link or opening a malicious attachment. They may:
Offer a coupon for free products.
Say that you’re eligible to register for a tax credit or government assistance program.
Ask you to confirm your account information.
Claim that there was a problem with your payment information.
Say that they noticed suspicious activity or log-in attempts.
Criminals continuously change their methods, but there are a number of red flags that you can watch out for that might indicate that an email or text message is actually an attempt at a phishing scam:
The email appears to be from a company you know and trust, but the sender’s email address doesn’t match the company name itself.
The email doesn’t address you by name. A company you do business with will have your name on file and address you by that name.
The email asks for your credit card details or personal information.
The email contains misspelled words or bad grammar.
The email asks you to click on a link to update account information but brings you to a website that doesn’t match that of the company you do business with.
The bottom line
With millions of phishing attacks reported every year, it's important to know what scammers are doing and take proactive measures. You can spot phishing attempts more easily if you're aware of red flags like suspicious email addresses, generic greetings, spelling errors, and personal info requests.
The best way to avoid phishing scams is to stay informed, practice caution, and use reliable email protection solutions like Guardio.