Online Scams

Online scams are frauds on the internet that deceive people in order to get their personal info or money by misleading them. Using fake websites, phishing emails, and impersonation, scammers trick unsuspecting people into giving them sensitive data, making unauthorized payments, or doing other harmful actions. A variety of online scams exist, from romance scams to lottery scams to job scams to investment scams.

Jul 17, 2020

Guardio stops spam

Guardio stops spam, & unsafe sitwes from harming my software & my laptop from being messed up,I would recommend this program Guardio for everyone to safe guard their pc, laptop, etc..

1 Reviews

Linda Susan Morton

Apr 26, 2020

Click Bait

It's good to know that some of the click bait which gets my attention is connected to a sketchy web site. I need the re-affirmation that I have ignored my common sense

1 Reviews

Jim Capillo

Jun 5, 2020

was having continuous ad popups

I was having continuous ad popups. Guardio took care of them all. I'm so pleased with this service! I'm also alerted about possible threats while surfing. I have every intention of continuing with Guardio.

1 Reviews

Tessa 782
