National Computer Security Center - NCSC

A United States government organization within the NSA that evaluates equipment for high security applications to ensure that sensitive data is being processed using a trusted computer system with trusted components

Jul 17, 2020

Guardio stops spam

Guardio stops spam, & unsafe sitwes from harming my software & my laptop from being messed up,I would recommend this program Guardio for everyone to safe guard their pc, laptop, etc..

1 Reviews

Linda Susan Morton


It works very well ... I like it no telling how many times they have saved my computer from crash and burn and it also alerts you of suspicious sites ... love it and it is reasonably priced.


Judy Gray

Apr 26, 2020

Click Bait

It's good to know that some of the click bait which gets my attention is connected to a sketchy web site. I need the re-affirmation that I have ignored my common sense

1 Reviews

Jim Capillo
