This is a collection of infected computers remotely controlled by a hacker. Once infected, the computer is a zombie performing tasks on behalf of the hacker, like sending spam emails or conducting distributed denial of service attacks (DDoS) to take down a website. Hackers often share or sell botnets, allowing others to use the zombie computer for malicious purposes as well (see also: Zeus Game Over)
Click Bait
It's good to know that some of the click bait which gets my attention is connected to a sketchy web site. I need the re-affirmation that I have ignored my common sense
Jim Capillo
it works- I used to have stuff happen about twice a year- uardio warns me any time something looks fishy
John Robert Fleming
I have found this to be most helpful to…
I have found this to be most helpful to me, I would be lost without it.
kevin keates